Monday, July 11, 2011


Someday I will not be peed or pooped on.
Someday I will find my keys where I left them.
Someday I will have a clean floor after meal time.

Someday I will not have my hair pulled.
Someday I will keep my glasses clean for more than twenty minutes.
Someday I will not referee.
Someday I will sleep through the night without the hum of a baby monitor in my ear.
Someday I will dress only myself.

Someday I will get out of the car with no help - and so will everyone else.
Someday I will relax and enjoy myself at a family party.
Someday I will eat a hot meal.
Someday I will sleep in on the weekend.

Mommy and Grace camping.
Grace is 8 months old.
Someday I will leave the house without worrying about extra clothes, diapers or snacks.
Someday I will have time to sort through all the pictures I love to take.
Someday I will cook steak for dinner and everyone will be able to eat it.
Someday I will not fish foreign objects out of the toilet.

It's a rock. I'm sure it could have been worse.
Someday I will forget the tune of Elmo's World (maybe).
Someday I will plan my day around something other than nap time.
Someday I will not have to push my kids on the swings.
Someday I will not have to clean food out of my hair - or anyone elses.

Someday I will not find my favorite skillet in the bedroom closet.
Someday I will drink a hot cup of coffee. Maybe even two.
Someday I will not worry about anyone pooping in the bathtub.

Was that me?
Someday I will eat at a restaurant and only worry about my own food.
Someday I will take long, hot showers.
Someday I will watch my children play on the slide without being right next to them.
Someday I will have a living room free of large, brightly colored toys.

Someday I will no longer consider buying a cow because of how much milk we drink.
Someday I will not have to repeat everything my toddler says.
Someday I will receive a request other than peanut butter and jelly for lunch.
Someday I will be able to have a conversation with my kids.
Someday I will play a board game with the whole family.
Someday I will sing and dance like crazy with my kids. Maybe even in public.

Someday I will smile as I listen to my children play make believe.
Someday I will laugh as my children tell me jokes.
Someday I will cherish listening to my children giggle as they talk instead of sleep.
Someday I will wish my precious little babies hadn't grown up.

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